Child-Friendly Library Cards Promote Summer Reading
The public library is a community institution utilized and appreciated by patrons of all ages. Many of us have memories of growing up and going to the local library in search of books for leisure reading, school projects, and participating in fun, educational library programs.
The public library is a community institution utilized and appreciated by patrons of all ages. Many of us have memories of growing up and going to the local library in search of books for leisure reading, school projects, and participating in fun, educational library programs.
With summer reading programs on the horizon, now’s the time to be sure your library has card designs especially geared toward children. It makes perfect sense to start your youngest patrons off on a positive, memorable note, positioning your library as a resource for learning and activities. With a bright, appealing card just for them, children will immediately recognize that the library welcomes them and has so much to offer, starting them on their way to a love of books and reading that will last a lifetime.
Children’s library cards work in tandem with promoting your library’s summer offerings. The programs are terrific for kids, but parents truly appreciate them - they can provide their child with another activity during the summer months that has educational value. It also shifts focus away from television, phones, and video games that are dominant in everyday life. Swapping the screen for an enjoyable library program or a good read makes smart sense! Plus, free programs make access easy for parents on a budget.
Summer Reading Programs to consider bringing to your library include:
Early Literacy Programs. Early literacy and child development research indicates that it’s never too early to start prepping youngsters for reading success. A program like this will also engage parents, grandparents, and caregivers, instilling in them the value of reading to children at a young age and enhancing their interactions and bonding over books. When a child is read to at an early age, they often go on to those who haven’t been read to. Your summer program can set an amazing foundation for success!
Children’s Programs. In addition to welcoming young, independent readers into your programs by engaging them to discuss, report on, or create an art project based on books they read over the summer, you can also benefit preschoolers through 2nd graders with enjoyable programs that foster developing their skills as well. Using a combination of active programs consisting of complimentary games, crafts, or other projects and passive programs such as listening to a story or watching a flannel-board presentation, you can meet the developmental needs of beginner readers. Devise ways to engage youngsters at different skill and grade levels to enrich their development and love of books!
Teen Programs. Perhaps the most challenging group to wrangle during the summer months is teenagers. Once they reach a certain age, many stops using a library altogether. Library programs tend to overlook teens but you can engage them with a volunteer program where they can assist younger children: reading stories, helping with games and creative projects, and more. Additionally, by creating a program incorporating teen interests, you can continue to keep them active in the library. Think about ways to involve and entertain them as they become young adults. Develop new programs featuring a “best-of” selection of fiction and non-fiction, and activities that speak to them. Creating a welcoming, positive experience for teens can keep them coming back to the library, not just for the occasional term paper!
PermaCard is ready to help you engage kids and their families for summer programs -- and beyond. We are honored to work with over 3,000 public libraries across the country and look forward to being of service to you. Our unique library cards, bookmarks, and key tags “speak” to kids and their parents, bringing them into your library and opening the potential for brighter futures filled with books and enhanced reading skills.
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